Welcome to Greece! + Information after leaving Athens

Balcan-route/ Dublin III‏

Dear all, during our third „Journey back to the border“ to Lesvos/Greece (see also: here) we distributed thousends of booklets „Welcome to Greece“ plus a second booklet on the route further on, contacts in Balcans mainly and some information concerning Dublin III -mainly  in arabic and farsi. While we have been here, more then 10.000 arrived here on the island. It is also pinned on the fences of the refugee camps Kara Tepe and Moria on the island of Lesvos. We invite you to use these materials and to send links to friends, to read it on their smart phones while they are on their way.

One important information from yesterday is missing: Germany announced not to deport at least Syrians to Hungary and Bulgaria! Most probably also for most other nationalities the deportations to Hungary are more or less stopped – because of the high numbers of people on the move towards northern Europe. We will have to update informations soon.

Nevertheless the given contacts should be useful and needed.

There is also some useful material other friends produced to use them on the island of Lesvos. We attach it as well because we met here a lot of people, who try to support and we think it is worth to spread as much information as possible to increase the possibilities for orientation.

All the best,

I. Welcome to Greece-Guide of Welcome to Europe:

II. Greece-Balcan-DublinIII: Information after leaving Athens:

III. More useful material for the Greek island Lesvos:

Map of Lesvos: http://lesvos.w2eu.net/files/2015/08/MYT_map.pdf