Category Archives: Themen


Content of the new draft of asylum law

The reform is supposed to pass before Christmas.

version 20.11.2015 / The last tightening of the asylum law has just come into affect on 24th of october. With an incredible velocity, the ministry of internal affairs pulled out the next attack that violates even more human rights. It become public on 18th of November.
On Sunday, the government will discuss and forward it into the parliamentarian consultation. The reform is supposed to pass before Christmas. Continue reading


Stop Legitimating Injustice and Legitimate Justice: Present Draft of Accelerated Asylum Procedures Law in Germany‏

We demand the protection of all refugees!Karawane

Karawane / The German government has been using the increased number of refugees applicant as a pretext to justify the introduction of strict measure on the Asylum and Residence law. The actual draft violates the Fundamental Human Right of refugees, such as health and medical treatment, and abuse on refugees identity and declaration. Continue reading


Verhindert Abschiebungen durch Weiterverbreitung von Abschiebeterminen

Mehr Widerstand ist gefragt!


Protest am Baden-Airpark

Liebe Leute, Aktion Bleiberecht hat in der rechten Spalte mögliche Sammelabschiebeflüge vom Flughafen Karlsruhe Baden-Baden veröffentlicht. Bitte informiert alle Personen die möglicherweise davon Betroffen sein könnten. Am 17. November wurden vom Flughafen Karlsruhe Baden-Baden 96 Menschen in den Kosovo abgeschoben darunter viele Roma. Continue reading